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Investing in Poland 2014

Polish real estate market overtakes other CEE countries in terms of the space in all property sectors.

The Latest report “Investing in Poland 2014” was presented on a press conference on 11 February in PAIiIZ Information Centre. The “Investing in Poland 2014” guide through possibilities in Polish real estate market was designed for commercial investors to provide them with information about characteristics of the largest Polish cities. Publication was prepared by BNP Parias Real Estate experts in cooperation with Dentos and PAIiIZ.

International business analytics underline the stability of the Polish economy. The size of local market and availability of high educated employers are crucial advantages of the Polish market. Those factors are reflected in various reports. For instance, the Financial Times’ FDI Report 2013 has ranked Poland as the 6 th most attractive European country for foreign direct investments.

The Polish economy has been relatively immune to the global financial markets crisis. It is also the largest beneficiary of EU funds, which strongly impact on its economic development.

“We also note a thickening of Polish wallets. In 2004, the Polish GDP per capita amounted to 50% of the average citizen of EU. In 2012, it already reached the level of 66% of the EU average citizen”, argued Maciej Górski, Advisor to PAIiIZ Board.

Investing in Poland 2014

“Poland is still at the top of foreign investors’ interest” – argues Jeroen van der Toolen, Managing Director CEE, Ghelamco. “Polish real estate market is no longer described as an emerging market”- he stressed.

The Polish real estate market may be regarded as mature and demanding.

“Investors appreciate how stable it is – not just when it comes to the legal regulations, but also when they demand advice from specialised experts. Advisory services on this market (legal, tax, commercial and technical) are highly specialised, and fully serve the needs of investors”, says Monika Sitowicz, partner in Real Estate Department, Dentons. Investors deciding on planning investments take into account such factors as tax aspects or even exit costs. The proper structure of investment policy in Poland still reinforces the attractiveness and tax efficiency of the country – summed up Tomasz Krasowski, Counsel in Tax Department of Dentons.

Stable political situation and low risk for investment made Poland a leader in CEE in terms of the amount of invested capital in the real estate market.

“The investment transactions volume amounted €907m in mid-2013 and reached approximately €3 billion by the end of the year. It is the best result since the record 2006 – emphasised Del Chandler, Managing Director, Capital Markets CEE, BNP Paribas Real Estates.

“Higher amount of foreign investments than those with Polish origins is a positive indicator of the Polish real estate market’s condition”, argues Monika Sitowicz, partner in Real Estate Department, Dentons. “The Polish real estate market is also stable in terms of legal issues”, she added.

“Investors, who came to Poland, plan to tie up with the country for longer. Cultural similarities, good communication with the West Europe or no appreciable difference in time zones, are important Polish advantages as an investment location. – says Anna Staniszewska, Consulting & Research Director, CEE, BNP Paribas Real Estate.
